Today I will show how to sew teddy bear. Using my free tutorials and patterns you can easy build you own custom teddy bear toys.
For sewing teddy bear doll you will need to prepare fabric (it can be mohair or cotton or wool, whatever you prefer), scissors, treads and needles, pair of buttons for eyes and good mood.
First you need to download this Teddy Bear Pattern and print it cut the details out.

Step 1. Download pattern and cut the pieces.
Put your fabric face down on the table and transform pattern pieces on it. You should have two pieces of head (Detail N1), one piece of head gusset (Detail N2), four pieces of ears (Detail N3), two body pieces (Detail N4), two outer arms (Detail N5), two inner arms (Detail N6), two paw pads (Detail N7), four legs (Detail N8) and two food pads (Detail N9).

Step 2. Sew the teddy bear head.
Match two head side pieces together and sew from the tip of the nose down to the neck opening. Match head gusset and sew from point B to points A. Turn the head right side out.

Step 3. Build a teddy bear body.
Match two body pieces and sew it together, but leave one inch on the top

Turn the body right side out, now you have a teddy bear body and teddy bear head

Step 4. Sewing teddy bears arms.
Match one paw pad up to the corresponding inner arms and sew them. Point C to point C and point D to point D.

After that sew inner arm with correct outer arm (do double check before sewing) but leave one inch of arm (close to the neck) to turn and stuff.

After you turn you arms right side out you should have two cute teddy bears arms

Step 5. Sewing teddy bears legs.
Match legs, be sure that each leg has one outer let and one inner leg. Pin and sew them with food pads, and as for arms, leave one inch. Point E to point E and point F to point F.

Step 6. Sewing teddy bear ears and stuffing the doll.
Match and sew ears. Turn all pieces right side out, and stuff all details.
Now we have a teddy bear by pieces:

Step 7. Making teddy bears eyes.
You will need two buttons, long needle and wide thread.

With wide thread and long needle do only one stitch for one time. The end of your thread should be on the other side on bears head, coming from eye to the neck. Pull off all your ends and tie with a strong knot.
Do the same for the other eye. Now our cute Teddy Bear can see the world!

Step 8. Match the body and the head.
Close the open seam on the top of teddy bear body, stitch it as accurate as possible.

Match you head to the body and stitch two details together. Do it very accurate. In a result you will this:

Step 9. Placing arms.
I`m using the same technique, as for placing eyes. with wide thread and long needle

In a result you teddy bear doll should be able to move its arms.

Step 10. Placing legs.
The technique for placing teddy bear legs is totally the same as for placing teddy bears arms.

Now, when you put teddy bears head, body, arms and legs all together, you stuffed doll should be able to stay and looks like this

And your teddy bear doll should be able to sit as well

Step 11. Placing teddy bear ears.
Choose the right place for ears for your teddy bear and stitch it accurate

Step 12. Making teddy bear nose
Stitch the nose for your teddy bear doll for your own design. The easiest way is to make nose as a triangle. Stitch the mouth.
Choose the scarf and wind it round the teddy bears neck.
Here you are, nice and really cute teddy bear stuffed doll:

Step 12. Finishing a teddy bear doll.
In the end I decided to stitch a leather pieces as a food pads

So, what else you have to do?…. Oh, right, you need to pick a name for your new teddy bear doll. I called mine Authentic Teddy Bear: